Thalia Wiki

Khalil Sultanate also simply known as the Kingdom of Rumakkah is a realm in the south east of the known world and boasts both a thriving economy and a strong, well-trained army with talented commanders. It has expanded mostly through the conquest of foreign countries, which were then turned into eyalets of the Empire.

The Khalil government was highly bureaucratic, and was administered by a hierarchy of officials, all serving the sultan. The descendants of Khalil the great put into practice the teachings of the scholars, allowing the First sultan to control all of his territories, including those recently conquered. All aspects of life were standardized, from measurements and language to more practical details, such as the length of chariot axles.

The states made by the sultan were assigned to officials dedicated to the task rather than place the burden on people from the royal family. The sultan and his advisers also introduced new laws and practices that ended feudalism in Khalilande, replacing it with a centralized, bureaucratic government. Under this system, both the military and government thrived, as talented individuals could be more easily identified in the transformed society.


Local rulers actively pursued legal, economic social reforms after struggling with other regional powers. When sultan Khalil VI came to the throne of Khalilande, he issued an announcement calling forth men of talent (including scholars, administrators, theorists and militarists) from other states to enter Khalilande and help him with his reforms, promising rewards of high offices and lands in return.

These foreign talents successfully conducted a series of reforms in Khalilande with the support of 
